7 Jan 2012


I didnt know that this would be my last show until five minutes before I hit the decks. As I was going over the set list and show notes one last time before I went on air I just decided its over. I screwed the whole lot up and just decided fuck the plans I am just gunna have a good time and go out with a blast playing my favourite metal tracks of all time instead of what I had on the set list. I also decided to play the best of the London bands that reached out to me on the last show I was doing with Squid.

I leave doing my rock show with no regrets and on a happy note instead of a bitter worn down and fed up one. The way I look at it is that I started something from my home standing up for something that I believed in. I reached out to thousands of people across the world, got to play some awesome gigs and made/met many great friends along the way. 

My shows never went mainstream and I liked it that way. All I wanted to do was make a kick ass show which was an alternative to the other bullshit that is on the airwaves for my friends to listen to and anyone else who felt the same as I do about good metal music.

I dont give a fuck about any negative comments people will have to say about the show, my work and me ending the show. At the end of the day what have they ever done with their lives apart from sit behind a computer screen while they compile that list of people they hate under their Marilyn Manson poster!

I would like to thank the following bands/artists for reaching out to me and letting me play your tracks on air and they are:

Dave Laverty and all the guys from Resonator
Dave Christmas and F.S.I
Phil Roadkill and Generation Graveyeard
Michael Payne
Nick and the boys from Sonic Mass
Saggs and the boys from Self Loathing
Josh and Our people versus yours
Throne of Vengeance
Jimmy and Knockturn Alley
and last but not least
Lance Barrington of Valpurgis Night/Tilt for the amazing riffage, great times and for putting up with Steven!

I would also like thank all of YOU for listening and supporting me and my efforts over the last couple of years. I love you all!

As I tore up the plans I had for this show I hardly have anything to say apart from plugging bands so I just let the music do the talking. Sorry for any skipping this was due to the show being streamed live and was out of my control.

Thanks again