22 Apr 2017


Introduction by K ROD

Brock Versus Rock was a small project I made a short while ago. It was something I made and edited in one day using an ipad camera, a toy UFC octagon and 3 action figures. The first fight was just a test project to see what was possible and what would happen if Rocky stepped in the octagon and seeing as I had a new Brock Lesnar figure it was a no brainer.

After the first fight many people enjoyed it but the same amount were upset about a few things, mainly the outcome of the fight. I had a feeling this might happen thats why I set up the sequel just in case. Enough people saw the first fight and seeing as it got people talking I made sure the rematch was everything the first fight wasn't. The first fight had no back story we just went straight in and it was a short affair. This time round we have gone to 60 plus pages of story and action.

As well as adding many characters into the fold I built a few mini locations from scratch such as a bar, a wrestling gym, streets and the awesome arena where the fight takes place.

This has been a passion project which I have worked on in the evenings and has taken a couple of months to finish. If you enjoy this story share this post with your friends and be sure to check out my other toy stories in the comics tab above. Also the referee figure is an action figure of K ROD made by Tom Daines at Fallen Models

Enjoy K ROD