9 Feb 2012


The Wanderers is a coming of age tale which follows the exploits of an Italian American street gang from New York. It is set in the summer of 1963 and the movie does everything it can to convey this with cars, news events, fashion and an absolute top notch 60's soundtrack.

The main story revolves around an Italian vs Blacks race dispute at the local high school which eventually culminates into a friendly game of high school football. Though this is not the main focal point of the movie and the rest of the movie revolves around parties, girls, hanging out and brawling with other rival gangs like the baldies and the ducky boys.

The movie is mainly about growing up in a tough neighborhood in the 60's and the struggles that these young men went through from family troubles to romantic relationships.

This is what really differentiates this movie from the Warriors as the Warriors were portrayed in a very one dimensional aspect in the sense that you never knew what the home life of a Warriors member was like. Where in this movie you get a real in depth look at what the everyday life of a Wanderer was like, well for at least three main characters anyway.
The fight scenes in the Wanderers are really great from back alley encounters with the baldies to the big fight during the football game with the ever so eerie Ducky boys in which the entire school (and one of their dads) pull together to fight a hundred plus guys with bats, pipes and chains.

The dialogue is pretty sharp to which features lots of piss taking and racial abuse from all sides of the spectrum. No punches are pulled when the characters in this movie let each other know what's on their mind.

The gangs in this movie are incredible! You have the baldies a gang of leather jacket sporting skinheads with their big fat leader Terror (who is Dynamo from Running Man) who like to tie bricks to your cock and then throw them off a bridge, the Wongs an all Chinese gang of dudes who know some sick kung fu and the Ducky boys an evil gang of mutes who hang out at Church and love pulling blades on people while rolling with over a hundred strong.

The Wanderers is just a pure joy to watch from start to finish and that is the best way to describe it. A lot of people prefer this to the Warriors but I am loyal to the Warriors as being my favorite of the street gang movies. This is still one of my all time favorite movies and if you haven't seen it before go watch it you will not be dissapointed!