24 Oct 2012


Say what you will about Michael Jackson's bedtime antics with young boys but.. he made Thriller!

Inspired after watching An American Werewolf in London Jacko got in touch with the films director John Landis and asked him to make the music video for Thriller. The 14 minute long music video masterpiece that was shot in 1983 has never been topped by another music video period!

Seeing Michael Jackson turn into a werewolf and then a zombie was one of the coolest things I ever saw as a kid growing up the 80s. Recently Hot Toys released a Michael Jackson Thriller doll. I had a Thriller doll when I was a kid and heres what it looked like.

Jackos first figure offering in the 1980's by LJN.

I think i still have it lying around somewhere.. with no clothes as well if I remember rightly so make of that what you will. The new Hot Toys doll is not just a vast improvement but a major one. This falls under the category of "toys they should have made at the fucking time when I was a kid" range.

As you can see from the above prototype its beyond awesome. With interchangeable heads and hands as well as real clothing this is really well made collectors item.

The figure comes packed in this fantastic box set with Jackos face in the front cover. I do not know the price these go for but by judging what we have seen so far it must be fucking expensive.

As you can see the head sculpts are of the highest quality and detail. A lot of effort has gone in to the making of these dolls.

As I said earlier I have no idea what these dolls go for but I can imagine they go for a lot of money. Not something I would own now but if they made a werewolf one I might consider.