31 Jul 2014


Hey everyone this is Lost Entertainment creator Kristian Rodriguez (K-ROD) with some news about Lost Entertainment and some answers for some of your questions.

I have had a few e mails recently asking me if the site will be winding down or stopping as there are not as many articles being posted and the facebook page has gone.

The reason for the lack of new articles is because I am so busy with my art and design work which I am doing pretty much full time at the moment. I have been drawing for as long as I can remember and just over ten years ago I landed an awesome job doing commercial design work. The job was very stressful and I ended up walking out and not drawing for almost a decade.

Last year I started drawing again after working closely with the very talented tattoo artist Sebastion Hannigan at Morbid Curiosity ink in East London. Thanks to his help and guidance I started drawing again and since then I haven't looked back.

The Lost Entertainment shop (the Bootleg Superstore) has also become more art oriented also with the launch of my posters and new clothing lines.

When I first started this website I was unemployed at the time which meant I had more time to update it and add new content. In that time with lots of hard work and dedication I brought the site to a very high level in terms of quality and quantity when it came to good content. Being a one man show all along it's hard for me to do what I am doing with running the store, illustrating and keeping up with the constant new content updates. Even my professional wrestling career (which means the world to me) has been put on hold temporarily. I have still managed to update the site with new good content each month but just not as much as back in the day. So to answer the first question the answer is no we are not winding down what so ever.

The reason the facebook page has gone is because my personal facebook account has been deactivated. This will be reactivated at some point in the future. If you would like to get in touch with me here is my personal e mail address where you can reach me directly by clicking here. I am also on instagram with a public account called @thatsgottabekrod which I update a lot with Lost Entertainment related photos.

So whats in store for you in the near future? Well the annual Halloween countdown will be going ahead as always on the first of September right up to the 31st of October. There is lots of ghoulishly amazing fun on the way. There also lots of general articles on my desk on a list waiting to published.

Our clothing line will explode within the next few weeks with over 30 new T shirt designs to go on sale as well as over 40 new art pieces for you to buy in the store.

For me personally my life is fine and I am in a very healthy happy place right now and I am really excited about the work I am putting together.

Anyway guys I just thought I would give you an update about the site and whats going on just to answer a few questions and to keep you informed.

Thanks for the support and Love